strikes again
November 3, 2008, 9:38 am
Filed under: Random Thoughts, Uncategorized

Periodically I scan for outrageous stories….

Look what I found today.

October 20, 2008, 10:55 am
Filed under: Ministry, Perspective, Random Thoughts

I sent an email the other day to my sister’s friend Caroline.

She is unchurched.

She is in law school.

Upon seeing “Majestic Programming Director” in my signature, she replied:

thanks for the pics.

hope things are good with you. i intend to require the word “majestic” in all of my future job titles.

future majestic attorney at law

Interesting outside perspective, huh?

Brands matter.

Random thoughts
October 1, 2008, 10:30 am
Filed under: Random Thoughts, Smile

I can’t focus today.

A) It’s October and I want to go play outside

B) Adam and I are going to Charleston this weekend and I want to go NOW (a shrimping excursion is in store)

C) For the last 6-8 YEARS I have wanted one of these….and dad called yesterday and said he found not one, but TWO. They will be coming home with me. (yes, baby squirrels make amazingly fun pets)

D) My new roommate Amanda and I are in the final stages of closing a deal on the sweetest condo in Anderson – we are waiting for the final offer today.

The good news is that the kid’s team had an amazing meeting this morning about our upcoming Christmas series and I am PUMPED about our team pulling it together! It’s going to be the best one EVER so that’s good motivation to start working now!!!!!!!!

September 4, 2008, 4:43 pm
Filed under: Random Thoughts

Don’t tell…but I’m considering coming back.

God has done some amazing work.

But…I’m about to go on vacation, so the blog will have to wait.

Maybe I’ll send a picture.

June 23, 2008, 2:16 pm
Filed under: Ah-ha, Perspective, Random Thoughts

I’ve decided…

It’s time to take a blogging break.

I stress because I don’t have time to blog and that’s just dumb.

So I am removing the expectation.

Starting now.


June 12, 2008, 10:04 am
Filed under: Random Thoughts, Uncategorized

So I went to take a sip of my coffee a minute ago and saw this…

He was still swimming.


May 29, 2008, 3:16 pm
Filed under: Random Thoughts

OK, doing a little recon….

I need to know the craziest/most fun/insane/awesome GAMES you’ve ever played!!

I’m not talking about operation, chess, or monopoly.

I’m talking about things like feeding someone cheetos with your feet (thank you Whitney Rankin).

Think back to youth camps, summer camps, birthday parties…dig deep!

This should be fun!

May 28, 2008, 4:10 pm
Filed under: Perspective, Random Thoughts

Just saw my google reader for the first time in a week — 421 unread items.

That’s not overwhelming at all.

And, yesterday when I came into work there were 28 emails from Twitter (yes, I took the plunge).

18 of them are still unopened.

Those numbers lead me to believe that I’m actually getting work done and not just wasting time.

And, I’m about to clear the slate and D-E-L-E-T-E.

AKA: “Mark all as read.”

Very hard for me. But necessary.

WOO HOO!!!!!

May 8, 2008, 4:06 pm
Filed under: Random Thoughts

Welll here it is on Thursday and I am just now looking at my blog.


My job changed!

Yes, I am still at NewSpring.

Focus shift from Guest Services to Kids!

This is my 5th job at NewSpring in 2.4 years

After this, I think I will write a few posts on TRANSITION.

For now, it’s the weekend and my brain is checking out.


April 30, 2008, 8:00 am
Filed under: Random Thoughts

Saw this on It bothers me to know that these exist in our ocean. Full story.

I also saw some crazy stuff on CNN…

Don’t want to be this guy

Or this guy

And I don’t understand why this is on national news. It’s cute…but really…..